In 1997, while examining more boxes of bones from Sterkfontein, Clarke
found, over the space of about two weeks, another 8 leg and foot bones from
the same individual. Because one of the bone fragments had a clean break
that looked as though it could have been caused by miners blasting, Clarke
suspected that more bones from the same individual might still be inside
the cave. He asked two of the Sterkfontein preparators to search for a
matching piece of bone in the exposed breccia surfaces of the cave.
Amazingly, they found it, after two days of searching by the light of
hand-held lamps. Further excavations found some more bones, and exposed
the left side of a complete skull. The state of preservation and
positioning of the bones already found indicated that a significant amount
of the rest of the skeleton is probably still inside the rock, waiting to
be extracted. (Clarke 1998)
By a year later, the bones of an almost complete arm and hand had been
exposed, though not yet excavated from the rock. Clarke is very confident
that more of the skeleton, including the pelvis and spine, remain inside
the rock and can be retrieved. The skeleton was originally thought to be
between 3.0 and 3.5 million years old. Partridge et al. (2003) claimed an
age of 4 million years, which if correct would make Stw 573 one of the oldest
known australopithecine fossils, and easily the oldest from South Africa.
Walker et al. (2006) have determined an age of 2.2 million years.
The hand bones of Stw 573 seem to be like those of modern humans in being relatively unspecialized, having a short palm and fingers compared to modern apes. They lack the long, strong fingers used by chimps and gorillas for knucklewalking, and the elongation of the hand found in the highly arboreal gibbons and orang-utans. However the phalange (finger) bones which are visible from the side are curved like those of the Australopithecus afarensis skeleton Lucy, indicating they were probably used in climbing.
Additionally, Clarke considers that the feet of Stw 573 are a very good match for the 3.7 million year old footprint trails discovered at Laetoli by Mary Leakey's team.
Clarke points out (1998) that not only has this fossil yielded the most complete australopithecine skull yet found, it has been found in association with the most complete set of foot and leg bones known so far, with more probably still to be extracted from the rock (and since then, the arm and hand has been discovered.) In addition, the preservation of the skeleton is extraordinary, with most of the bones intact and joined together in their natural position (it is usual for fossil bones to be broken, often into small pieces, and for bones to get separated and scattered).
Clarke is not yet prepared to say which species it belongs to, except that it does appear to be an australopithecine. However, even from the bones that have been revealed so far, Little Foot looks like being at least as complete and important as Lucy, and will add tremendously to our knowledge of australopithecines. If Clarke's expectations of further finds are borne out, Little Foot could become the most spectacular and important hominid fossil ever discovered, rivalled only by the Turkana Boy Homo erectus skeleton.
Clarke R.J. (1998): First ever discovery of a well-preserved skull and associated skeleton of Australopithecus. South African Journal of Science, 94:460-4.
Clarke R.J. (1999): Discovery of the complete arm and hand of the 3.3 million-year-old Australopithecus skeleton from Sterkfontein. South African Journal of Science, 95:477-80.
Morris J.D. (1995): What distinguishes man from ape? Acts & Facts, 24.11:d (a creationist commentary)
Partridge T.C., Granger D.E., Caffee M.W., and Clarke R.J. (2003): Lower Pliocene hominid remains from Sterkfontein. Science, 300:607-12.
Oliwenstein L. (1995): New foot steps into walking debate. Science, 269:476-7. (Commentary on Clarke and Tobias 1995)
Walker, J., Cliff, R.A., Latham, A.G. (2006): U-Pb Isotopic Age of the StW 573 Hominid from Sterkfontein, South Africa. Science, 314:1592-4.
African ape-man's hand unearthed, from BBC News, December 1999
Fossil find stirs human debate, from BBC News, January 2003
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