The Quote Mine Project is a response to
the creationist tactic of quoting scientists as "evidence" against
evolution. It is a group effort of many participants of the newsgroup which documents
what is wrong with how the creationists present their "evolution quotes."
See the introduction for details.
This page acts details the evolution of the project and can be used
as a what's new page.
Evolution/History of the Project
- October 31, 2006
- Added Quote #4.20:
Ehrlich and Birch on not being able to refute evolution by observation.
- October 9, 2006
- Added The Discovery Institute Quote Mines
Stephen Jay Gould that discusses how the Discovery Institute selectively
quoted what Gould and others wrote in a brief for Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
a United States Supreme Court case that addressed the admissibility of
expert evidence in federal courts.
- September 28, 2006
- Added
The Discovery Institute Quote Mines Judge Jones that
discusses how the Discovery Institute selectively quotes
Judge Jones' decision in
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area
School District in aid of its "bait and switch" claim of scientific
evidence in support of intelligent design.
- September 3, 2006
- Added Quote #3.15: Gould on experiments that disprove
any evolutionary theory.
- August 12, 2006
- More information on Quote #4.17: Popper on Darwinism
being a metaphysical research programme. The Project homepage
had information on the origin of the term "quote mining" added to it as well.
- August 1, 2006
- Added Quote #4.19: George Wald on Spontaneous generation being impossible.
- March 8, 2006
- Added Quote #4.18: Bill Gates on DNA as a Computer Program.
- November 29, 2005
- Added three new quotes: Quote #3.14: Gould on
no support for gradual change,
Henry Gee on untenable missing links, and
Sir Karl Popper on Darwinism being an untestable
metaphysical research programme.
- August 28, 2005
- Added two new quotes:
Quote #4.14:
Henry Gee on fossils and stories
Quote #4.15: Sewall Wright on mutations and
- April 3, 2005
- Added two new quotes:
Quote #4.12:
the fantasy eukaryotic cell of Dyer and Obar
Quote: $4.13: Sir Arthur Keith on the laws of Christianity and
- February 22, 2005
- Added three new quotes used by intelligent design advocates:
Quote #3.13:
Eldredge says that evolution never seems to happen was used by
Phillip E. Johnson
Quote #4.10: evidence for
neo-Darwinism is weak and
Quote #4.11: great Darwinian paradox where
used by Michael Behe.
- December 12, 2004
- Added Quote #3.12:
Gould on lack of 'vector of progress'.
- November 30, 2004
- Added the fourth addition to the project on
Geologic Column Quotes
used by young-earth creationists to deny
that the Earth is ancient.
Quote #3.11 and
Quote #4.9.
This adds up to seven new quotes.
New material was added to the response to
Quote #33: Kemp on circular reasoning.
- October 10, 2004
- Added nine new quotes:
Quotes #4.6 - #4.8,
Quotes #3.7 - #3.10, and
Quotes #2.10 - #2.11.
Additional response to
Quote #3.3: Gould and Eldredge on Archaeopteryx.
This page added.
- August 30, 2004
- Additional response to
Quote #67: Fleischmann quote.
- August 22, 2004
- Third addition to the project was a collection of
Assorted Quotes used by
- July 29, 2004
- Second addition to the project:
Gould, Eldredge and Punctuated
Equilibria Quotes.
- June 20, 2004
- Creationists love to quote Darwin on evolution and other subjects.
Thus the first addition was a collection of
Darwin Quotes.
- September 21, 2003
- Quote Mine Project officially goes online
at The Talk.Origins Archive.
- March 6, 2003
First use of the phrase "Quote Mine Project".
- March 5, 2003
- John Pieret makes the
first collection of responses to the creationist
poster's list of quotes.
- February 28, 2003
- A creationist poster posts a
large list quotes under the title of "Famous quotes from famous evolutionists"
which he copied without attribution from a creationist website. Not all the
people quoted accepted evolution or where by any means famous. Very quickly other
posters provided numerous demonstrations of out-of-context quoting.