Most of this web site is available in book form as The
Counter-Creationism Handbook, from Greenwood Publishing Group.
The book also contains an introduction on countering creationism,
illustrations, and an index. |
Creationist claims are numerous and varied, so it is often difficult to
track down information on any given claim. Plus, creationists constantly
come up with new claims which need addressing. This site attempts, as
much as possible, to make it easy to find rebuttals and references from
the scientific community to any and all of the various creationist claims.
It is updated frequently; see the What's New
page for the latest changes.
Since most creationism is folklore, the claims are organized in an outline
format following that of Stith Thompson's Motif-Index of
Folk-Literature. Sections CA through CG deal with claims against
conventional science, and sections CH through CJ contain claims about
creationism itself.
This collection is intended primarily as a guidepost and introduction.
The explanations are not in depth (with a few exceptions), but most
responses include links, references, and sources for more information.
These are not just added for show. Readers are strongly
encouraged to pursue additional reliable sources. We hope that
readers will put in the effort to gain enough understanding of the subject
so that they will not just parrot the information here, but will be able
to explain it to others.
Links to Main Sections
- CA: Philosophy and Theology
- CB: Biology
- CC: Paleontology
- CD: Geology
- CE: Astronomy and Cosmology
- CF: Physics and Mathematics
- CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution
- CH: Biblical Creationism
- CI: Intelligent Design
- CJ: Other Creationism
Expanded Outline
- CA: Philosophy and Theology
- CB: Biology
- CC: Paleontology
- CC0: Physical Anthropology
- CC200: Transitional fossils
- CC300: Fossil Record
- CC400: Methodology
- CD: Geology
- CE: Astronomy and Cosmology
- CF: Physics and Mathematics
- CF000: Second Law of Thermodynamics and Information Theory
- CF100: First Law of Thermodynamics
- CF200: Radiometric Decay
- CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution
- CH: Biblical Creationism
- CI: Intelligent Design
- CJ: Other Creationism