Posts of the Month for 2010
- January: Did Cosmic Inflation really happen?
- Steve Carlip provides a clear and concise description of
what is (and is not) known about inflation, explaining
why it is the prevailing view among cosmologists.
- February: The Sin of Imposing our Perspectives on Writings from the Past.
- John Wilkins points out that past authors didn't have the
mental frameworks including "science" and
"history" which we take for granted today.
- March: Separating true theories from TruthLike ones
- Bill Rogers uses a 98 gram weakling of a theory to
demonstrate that selected evidence confirming a theory
does not make it as likely to be true as a rigorously
tested one.
- April: Why individuals deny collective responsibility for changes to the atmosphere and oceans
- Howard Hersey, after itemizing some of the facts rejected
by Global Warming Deniers, goes on to speculate on their
- May: Can Deduction overturn Induction (repeated observation) in Science to crush Darwinism?
- Bill Rogers shows that the argument that evolution can be
overturned deductively from the single forbidden
"observation" that the flagellum could not have evolved
gradually is unsound because, among other things, that
"observation" itself depends on induction.
- July: Is the Earth the fixed center of the Universe?
- Steve Carlip presents five sets of observations confirming
the standard model of the structure of the universe and
which are inconsistent with a claimed fixed earth model.
- August: Classifying Selection as Natural, Artificial, Neutral or by Design
- Howard Hershey uses five "tasty" color coded examples to
help a creationist understand the meaning of Natural
Selection (NS) and its various forms.
- October: Does Peer Review prevent publication of bad science?
- Steve Carlip describes the goals of peer review in
theoretical physics, and suggests how they may vary in other
scientific disciplines.
- November: Was Mendel a Paleyan Creationist or a Darwinist?
- Burkhard tells us that passages in Mendel's copy of The Origin
of Species were underlined, and quotes from letters he wrote
which suggest what Mendel's position was.
[Post of the Month: Main Index]

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