Tero Sand passed away on April 30th, 1996. He left us too soon. For
nearly all of his thirty-one years Tero was a quadriplegic, relying on
a respirator to breathe. He used his mouth and a stick to operate his
computer and to communicate with the entire world. But one would have
never known it from corresponding with him. He never mentioned his
disability, nor did his bright, witty attitude suggest it. It
certainly never kept him from leaping into and triumphing over the
rough-and-tumble battles that seem to define talk.origins.
More than any other person, Tero was responsible for helping to establish this archive. When it was first being organized, Tero helped tremendously by sending a vast collection of articles he had collected on the Creation/Evolution issue. Perhaps between a third and half of the FAQs currently in the archive are here because of him. This archive represents a part of Tero's legacy.
Thanks Tero. We'll miss you.