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Geologic time bibliography

Cowie, J. W., and Johnson, M. R. W., 1985, Late Precambrian and Cambrian geological time scale, in Snelling, N. J., ed., The Chronology of the Geological Record, 10 of : London, Geological Society of London, p. 47- 64.

Eicher, D. L., 1968, Geologic Time: Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall.

---, 1976, Geologic Time [2nd ed.]: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 150 p.

Frakes, L. A., 1979, Climates Throughout Geologic Time: Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Glenister, B. F., and Witzke, B. J., 1983, Interpreting Earth History, in Wilson, D. B., ed., Did the Devil Make Darwin Do It? Modern Perspectives on the Creation-Evolution Controversy: Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press, p. 55-84.

Haq, B. U., and van Eysinga, F. W., 1987, Geological Time Table: Elsevier, scale none; Fourth Revised Edition.

Harland, W. B. et al., 1982, The Geologic Time Scale: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Toulmin, S., and Goodfield, J., 1965, The Discovery of Time: New York, Harper and Row.

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