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Petroleum geology bibliography

Akul'cheeva, Z. A., and Fayzulina, Z. K., 1976, About comparing lower Paleozoic deposits of Prelenskii and Botuobinskii regions of Bepskii arch: Geologiya i Geofizica, v. 7, p. 10-17.

Aleinikov, A. L., Bellavin, O. V., Bulashevich, Y. P., Tavrin, I. F., Maksimov, E. M., Rudkevich, M. Y., Nalivkin, V. D., Shablinskaya, N. V., and Surkov, V. S., 1980, Dynamics of the Russian and West Siberian Platforms, in Bally, A. W., and et al., eds., Dynamics of Plate Interiors: Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union and Geological Society of America, p. 53- 71.

Artyushkov, E. V., and Baer, M. A., 1986, Mechanisms of formation of hydrocarbon basins: the West Siberia, Volga-Urals, Timan-Pechora and the Permian Basin of Texas: Tectonophysics, v. 122, p. 247-281.

Babintseva, T. N. et al., 1978, Hydrogeochemical conditions of the oil and gas reserves of the Tunguska basin: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 3, p. 30-36.

Bakirov, A. A., 1979, Oil and Gas Bearing Areas and Regions of the USSR: Moscow, Nedra Publishing House, 456 p.

Bakirov, A. A., and Ryabuknin, G. Y., 1969, Oil and Gas Bearing Areas and Regions of the USSR: Moscow, Nedra Publishing House, 477 p.

Balitov, N. V., 1977, About genesis of sulphurous oils and hydrogen sulphide in gasses from Osinskii horizon of Irkutskii cirque: Geologiya i Geofizica, v. 9, p. 47-55.

Bandy, O. L., and Arnal, R. E., 1969, Middle Tertiary Basin development, San Joaquin Valley, California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, p. 783-820.

Bazanov, E. A., 1973, Geological structure of Yaraktinskoye oil field in Irkutsk region: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 7, p. 15-18.

Bazanov, E. A., Vereshchako, I. A., and Frolov, B. M., 1977, Improving the methods and ways to increase effectiveness of geological oil and gas reconnaissance works in Irkutsk cirque: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 2, p. 9- 13.

Bazeley, W., 1972, San Emidio Nose Field: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 16, p. 297-312.

Becher, L. E., and Patton, J. B., 1968, World occurrance of petroleum in pre- Silurian rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 52, p. 224-245.

Becker, L. E., and Patton, J. B., 1968, World occurance of petroleum in pre- Silurian rocks: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 52, no. 2, p. 224-245.

Belen'kiy, V. Y., and Kunin, N. Y., 1978, Ways of improving the effectiveness of seismic reconnaissance when preparing [investigating] structures in Western Yakutia: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 5, p. 22-30.

Biddle, K. T., Maher, J. C., and Carter, P. D., 1975, Channel Turbidite Sandstones in the Elk Hills Member of the Monterey Shale, in Maher, J. C., ed., Petroleum Geology of the Naval Peeetroleum Reserve No.1, Elk Hills, Kern County, California, 912 of USGS Professional Paper: United States Geological Survey, p. 79-85.

Biederman, E. W., 1978, Crude-oil Composition and Migration, in Fairbridge, R. W., and Bourgeois, J., eds., The Encyclopedia of Sedimentology: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, p. 212-220.

Bornhauser, M., 1960, Depositional and structural history of Northwest Hartburg Field, Newton County, Texas: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 44, p. 458-470.

Brod, I. O., and Vysotskiy, I. V., 1965, Oil and Gas Basins of the World: Moscow, Nedra Publishing House, 598 p.

Clarke, J. W., 1985, Petroleum Geology of East Siberia, 85-367 of U.S. Geological Survey Open File Reports: Washington, DC, U.S. Geological Survey.

Clarke, J. W., Girard, O. W., Jr., Peterson, J. A., and Rachlin, J., 1977, Petroleum Geology of the West Siberian Basin and detailed description of the Samotlor Oil Field, 77-781 of United States Geological Survey Open- File Reports: 136 p.; 49 figs.

Dikenshteyn, G. K. et al., 1977, Oil and Gas Regions of the USSR: Moscow, Nedra Publishing House, 328 p.

Drobot, D. I., and Isayev, V. P., 1966, New data about the composition and properties of the lower Cambrian oil of the Prilenskii region of the Irkutskii oil basin: Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Department, Geology and Geophysics, v. 10, p. 32-41; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1967, International Geological Review, v.9, No.8, p. 1028-1035.

Dubronin, M. A., 1976, Conditions for formation of salt structures of Angaro- Lenskogo depression: Geologiya i Geofizica, v. 6, p. 60-67.

Fain, Y. B., and Bikbulatov, B. M., 1975, Oil prospects of the pre-Jurassic formations in West Siberia [in Russian]: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, v. 2, p. 8-11; English summary in Petroleum Geology, v.13, no.2, 1976, p. 61-62.

Fain, Y. B., Pogonyaylov, V. G., and Bikbulatov, B. M., 1977, Exploration for oil and gas in West Siberia: Neftegazovaya Geologiya i Geofizika, v. 2, p. 12-14; English summary in Petroleum Geology, v.14, no.9, 1976, p.379, In Russian.

Foss, D. C., 1979, Depositional environment of Woodbine sandstones, Polk County, Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 29, p. 83-94.

Fuks, A. B., and Fuks, B. A., 1979, Genesis of the oil belt of the Nepsko- Butoubiskoy anticline deposits: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 2, p. 13-18.

Garilov, Y. Y., Kulibakina, I. B., and Teplinskiy, G. I., 1971, About the formation of hydrocarbon deposits of Markovskii oil field: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 2, p. 30-31.

Generalov, P. P., 1983, Late Cenozoic appearance of compressive folding and displacement dislocation in West Siberia [in Russian], in Regional'naya neotektonika Sibiri: Novosibirsk, Nauka, p. 15-25; English summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.8, 1984, p.354-357.

Gladkov, V. G., Nikitin, V. P., and Khrenov, P. M., 1970, About the question of kinematics of halogenating in the profiles and in the folded belt of the Southern part of the Siberian Platform: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 190, no. 2, p. 405-408; English translation by the American Geological Institute, 1970, Academy of Science, USSR Doklady, v.190, p. 42- 45.

Gol'dberg, I. S., Lebedev, B. A., and Frolov, B. M., 1981, Razdel'nyi prognoz razmeshchenila gaza, nefti i bitumov na Sibirskoi platforme [Separate prediction of the distribution of gas, oil and bitumens on the Siberian Platform] [in Russian]: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, v. 2, p. 22-26.

Gol'dberg, I. S., Zelichenko, I. A., and Chernikov, K. A., 1976, Conditions for the appearance of the main phase of oil formation in clastic rocks of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic [in Russian]: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, v. 3, p. 57- 63; English summary in Petroleum Geology, v.14, no.3, 1977, p.135-137.

Golionko, G. B., 1982, Some problems of the tectonics of the central part of the West Siberian Plate: International Geology Review, v. 24, p. 780-784.

Gretener, P. E., 1977, On the character of thrust faults with particular reference to the basal tongues: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 25, p. 110-122.

Halbouty, M. T. et al., 1970, World's giant oil and gas fields: geologic factors affecting their formation, and basin classification, 14 of AAPG Memoirs: Tulsa, Oklahoma, American Association of Petroelum Geologists, 555 p.

Heritier, F. E., Lossel, P., and Wathne, E., 1979, Frigg Field - large submarine fan trap in lower Eocene rocks of the North Sea: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 63, p. 1999-2020.

Holmgern, D. A., Moody, J. D., and Emmerich, H. H., 1975, The structural settings for giant oil and gas fields: 9th World Petroleum Congress (Tokyo) Proceedings, v. 2, p. 45-54.

Holmgren, D. A., Moody, J. D., and Emmerich, H. H., 1975, The structural setting for giant oil and gas fields, in 9th World Petroleum Congress: Tokyo, v. 2, p. 45-54.

Hoyt, W. V., 1959, Erosional channel in the Middle Wilcox near Yoakum, Lavaca County, Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 9, p. 41-50.

Hunt, J. M., 1979, Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology: San Francisco, W.H. Freeman & Co., 617 p.

Kalinko, M. K., 1982, Geologic conditions for formation of gas-condensate pools of various genetic types [in Russian]: Trudy VNIGNI, v. 240, p. 5-17; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v. 20, no.9, 1984, p.395-397.

Karasev, O. I. et al., 1971, Conditions for formation and accumulation of oil and gas in Vendian and Cambrian deposits of the southern part of the Siberian Platform: Irkutsk, East Siberian Publishing House, 206 p.

Karpyshev, V. S., 1965, About the relation between halogenous-carbonate and red- colored Cambrian formations in the western part of the Irkutskii cirque [ampitheatre]: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 160, no. 2, p. 425-448.

Kazanskii, V. V. et al., 1978, Methods of influencing low permeability collector seams of East Siberia during teats: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 4, p. 60-64.

Komar, V. A., and Semikhatov, M. A., 1965, Additional data about the geological history of the Siberian Platform during the late Precambrian: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 161, no. 2, p. 421-424; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1965, Academy of Science, USSR Doklady, v.161, p. 42-45.

Kontorovich, A. A. et al., 1977, Main steps and results of reconnaissance in West Siberian oil and gas province: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 11, p. 21- 25.

Kontorovich, A. E. et al., 1975, Geology of oil and gas of West Siberia [in Russian]: Moscow, Nedra, 679 p.

Korolyuk, I. K., and Sidorov, A. D., 1969, Stromatolites of Motskaya formation of southern part of Pribaykal'ya and southeastern part of Prisayan'ya: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 184, no. 3, p. 669-671; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1969, Academy of Science, USSR Doklady, v.184, p. 53-56.

Krylov, N. A. et al., 1981, Oil-gas potential of pre-Jurassic rocks of West Siberia [in Russian], in Perspectivy neftegaznosnosti doyurskikh otlozheniy molodykh platform: Moscow, Nauka, p. 128-140; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.10, 1984, p.459-461.

Kutukov, A. V., Vinnikovskiy, S. A., and Shershnev, K. S., 1977, Prospects of oil and gas in Vendian deposits of Permskii Prikam'ya: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 11, p. 37-43.

Levchenko, I. G., 1975, Prospects of oil and gas in Cambrian deposits of Tungusskaya syneclise and its belt: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 1, p. 1-9.

Levchuck, M. A., and Fomin, A. N., 1983, Catagenesis of Jurassic sediments of the east part of the Yenisey-Katanga downwarp [in Russian]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibir. Otdel, Trudy Inst. Geol. i. Geof., v. 532, p. 123-131; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.19, no.12, 1983, p.599-601.

Levorson, A. I., 1967, Geology of Petroleum [2nd ed.]: San Francisco, W.H. Freeman, 724 p.

Lund, J. W., King, J. S., Berlitz, R., and Gilreath, J. A., 1978, Pre-platform exploration of High Island, Blocks A-560 and A-561: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 28, p. 273-294.

Makisimov, S. P., Zolotov, A. N., and Lodzhevskaya, M. I., 1984, Tectonic conditions for oil and gas generation and distribution on ancient platforms: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 7, p. 329-340.

Maksimov, S. P., and Diekenshteyn, G. K., 1979, Age of the folded base of the West Siberian platform and possible distribution of oil-gas complexes within it: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, v. 7, p. 6-11; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.17, no.7, 1977, p.306-308.

Mitroshin, M. I., and Gvizd', D. I., 1974, Prospects of oil and gas in the norhtwestern part of the Tungusskii syneclise: Soviet Geology, v. 4, p. 45- 51.

Murray, G. E., 1965, Indigenous Precambrian petroleum?: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 49, no. 1, p. 3-21.

Mutti, E., and Ricci Lucchi, F., 1972, Le torbiditi dell'Appennino settentrionale: introduzione all'ananisi di facies: Memoirs Soc. Geol. Italiana, v. 11, p. 161-199.

---, *, Turbidite Facies and Facies Associations, in Mutti, E., Parea, G. C., Ricci Lucchi, F., Sagri, M., Zanzucchi, G., Ghibaudo, G., and Iaccarino, S., eds., Examples of Turbidite Facies and Facies Association from Selected Formations of the Northern Apennines, A-11 of Fieldtrip Guidebook: Nice, France, Ninth International Congress Sedimentology, p. 21-36.

Nakariakov, V. D., Vasil'yeva, K. N., Ivanov, A. M., Kuckerov, V. Y., Sibgatullin, V. G., and Sharygin, Y. A., 1980, Structural features of the platform cover of the western part of the Siberian Platform in connection with evaluating prospects for oil and gas [in Russian], in Tektonika Sibiri: Novosibirsk, Nauka, v. IX, p. 49-55; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.1, 1984, p.39-41.

Nilsen, T. H., 1978, Turbidites of the Northern Appennines: Introduction to facies analysis: International Geology Review, v. 20, p. 125-166.

Paine, R., 1968, Stratigraphy and sedimentation of subsurface Hackberry wedge and associated beds of southwestern Louisiana: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 52, p. 322-342.

Parker, J. R., 1977, Lower Tertiary sand development in the central North Sea, in Developments in Petroleum Geology: Essex, England, Applied Science Publications, Limited, v. 1, p. 447-453.

Peterson, J. A., and Clarke, J. W., 1991, Geology and Hydrocarbon Habitat of the West Siberian Basin, 32 of AAPG Studies in Geology: Tulsa, Oklahoma, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 96 p.

Popova, Z. P., and Glazunova, N. N., 1965, Organic residues in the oil from Markovskii oil field: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 161, no. 3, p. 673-675; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1965, Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.161, p. 67-69.

Postnikov, V. G., and Postnikova, I. Y., 1964, About the possibilities of reef formations in lower Cambrian deposits in Markovskaya reconnaissance area (Irkutskii region): Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 158, no. 3, p. 605-608; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1965, Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.158, p. 57-59.

Postnikova, I. Y., and Kotel'nikov, D. D., 1969, New data about the signs of volcanic activity in Vendian deposits of Irkutsk cirque: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 186, no. 5, p. 1146-1149; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1970, Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.186, No.5, p. 83-86.

Provodnikov, L. Y., 1965, Relief of the foundation of the Siberian Platform: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 165, no. 8, p. 1379-1382; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1966,Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.165, p. 99-102.

Rudavskaya, V. A., 1980, Acritarchs of the Late Precambrian oil-and-gas bearing horizons and oils of Eastern Siberia [in Russian], in Microfossils in Petroleum Geology: Leningrad, Nauka, p. 130-140.

Sabate, R. W., 1968, Pleistocene oil and gas in central Louisiana: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 18, p. 373-386.

Samoylyuk, L. A., Zin'kovskiy, V. Y., and Chuprov, A. I., 1990, Prediction of salt-bearing units in the Riphean-Paleozoic sedimetary rocks of West Siberia [in Russian]: Geologiya i Razvedka, v. 5, p. 27-36.

Samsonov, V. V. et al., 1977, Epigenetic cementation of terrigenous collectors and special features of bitumonites spreading on the southern slope of the Nepskii arch: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 2, p. 18-25.

Shablinskaya, N. V., Budanov, G. F., and Lazarev, V. S., 1990, Intermediate complexes; platform regions of the USSR and their oil-gas potential [in Russian]: St. Petersburg, Nedra, 179 p.

Snelling, A., 1982, The recent origin of Bass Strait oil and gas: Ex Nihilo, v. 5, no. 2, p. 43-46; International Edition, Vol. 1, No. 2.

Sozansky, V. I., 1973, Origin of salt deposits in deep-water basins of Atlantic Ocean: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 57, p. 589-590.

Sullwold, H. H., Jr., 1961, Turbidites in Oil Exploration, in Peterson, J. A., and Osmond, J. C., eds., Geometry of Sand Bodies: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 63-81.

Timofeyev, B. V., and Bagdasaryan, L. L., 1964, About the results of micropaleophytological study of oil from East Siberia: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 154, no. 1, p. 102-103; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1964,Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.154, p. 22-24.

Trofimuk, A. A. et al., 1964, Main problems of prospecting the Markovo oil field in eastern Siberia [in Russian]: Geologiya Nefti i Gaza; English Translation in Petroleum Geology, v. 8, no. 1, 1969,p. 13-18.

Vasil'yev, V. G., 1968, Gas reservoirs of the USSR: Moscow, Nedra Publishing House, 382 p.

Vasil'yev, V. G., and Zhabrev, I. P., 1975, Gas and gas condensate reservoirs, a reference book: Moscow, Nedra Publishing House, 527 p.

Vassoyevich, N. B. et al., 1970, More about the question of oil and gas prospects in late Cambrian deposits: Soviet Geology, v. 4, p. 66-79; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1971, International Geology Review, v.13, No.3, p. 407-418.

Vormelker, R. S., 1979, Mid-Wilcox channel: deep exploration potential: Bulletin of the South Texas Geological Society, v. 20, p. 10-40.

Vyshemirskiy, V. S., and Zapivalov, N. P., 1981, Oil-gas potential of the Paleozoics of the southeast of the West Siberian Platform: Trudy Institute Geologii i Geofiziki, v. 513, p. 99-105; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.2, 1981, p.81-87.

Vysotskiy, I. V., Larchenkov, Y. P., and Sokolov, B. A., 1978, Prospects of oil and gas in the southeastern part of Leno-Vilyuyskogo basin: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 5, p. 31-35.

Walker, R. G., 1971, Nondeltaic depositional environments in the Catskill clastic wedge (Upper Devonian) of central Pennsylvania: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, p. 1305-1326.

---, 1978, Deep-water sandstone facies and ancient submarine fans: models for exploration for stratigraphic traps: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 62, p. 932-966.

Weaver, P., 1962, Challenge to Cambrian prospecting: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 46, no. 10, p. 1941-1943.

Wszolek, P. C., and Burlingame, A. L., 1978, Petroleum--Origin and Evolution, in Fairbridge, R. W., and Bourgeois, J., eds., The Encyclopedia of Sedimentology: Stroudsburg, Pa., Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, p. 565-574.

Yanshin, A. L., 1962, Forecasts of discovery of salts in the territiry of Siberia: Academy of Science of the USSR, Siberian Department, Geology and Geophysics, v. 10, p. 3-22; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1964, International Geology Review, v.6, no.12, p. 2132-2147.

Zapivalov, N. P., 1980, Formation of oil pools in deep Paleozoic carbonates of the intermediate stage in the south of the West Siberian Platform [in Russian], in Osobennosti formirovaniya zalezhey nefti i gaza v glubokozalegayuschchick plastakh: Moscow, Nedra, p. 23-228; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.19, no.6, 1981, p.292-295.

Zapivalov, N. P., Moskovskaya, V. I., and Pluman, I. I., 1980, Tectonics of the Paleozoic oil-gas complex of the south of the West Siberian platform [in Russian], in Tektonika Sibiri: Novosibirsk, Nauka, v. 9, p. 21-23; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.1, 1981, p.36-38.

Zapivalov, N. P., Pekhtereva, I. A., Serdyuk, Z. Y., and Shmatalyuk, G. F., 1981, Identifying and mapping Paleozoic reef massifs in western Siberia: International Geology Review, v. 23, p. 956-962.

Zharkov, M. A., 1969, About the amounts of salt deposits in the Cambrian era: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 184, no. 4, p. 913-914; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1969,Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.184, p. 72-74.

Zharkov, M. A., Chechel', E. I., and Knyasev, I. M., 1963, Cambrian deposits of middle and upper stream of the river Kirenga: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 149, no. 4, p. 922-924; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1965, Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.149, p. 65-66.

Zhuravleva, Z. A. et al., 1966, More about the stratigraphy of Ushakovskaya formation of the Irkutskii cirque: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Reports, v. 166, no. 3, p. 678-680; English translation by American Geological Institute, 1966,Academy of Science, USSR Reports, v.166, p. 53-55.

Zolotov, A. N. et al., 1968, Structure of the gas condensate deposit of Parfenovskii horizon of Markovskii oil field: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 6, p. 26-30.

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