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Introduction for second collection on Darwin
Introduction for third collection on Gould and Eldredge
Introduction for fourth collection
Derek Ager
Fossils are the best and most accurate method of dating rocks - Ager
Edmund J. Ambrose
Nothing contrary to conservative creationists -- Ambrose
Merle d'Aubigne
Origin of life is still a mystery -- d'Aubigne
Jerry Adler
Evidence from fossils now points overwhelmingly away from the classical Darwinism - Adler
Francisco Ayala
Difficult to establish phylogeny -- Ayala and Valentine
Larry Azar
Isn't it circular that evolution is documented by geology and geology is documented by evolution - Azar
Stefan Bengtson
Paleontologists cheat in reconstructing animals -- Bengtsons
L. C. Birch
Evolution cannot be refuted by any possible observations - Ehrlich and Birch
Peter J. Bowler
Fossils do not reveal gradual transformations -- Bowler
Aart. Brouwer
Transitional forms are inordinately scarce -- Brouwer
Frank M. Carpenter
There are no transitional fossils showing the origin of insects - Carpenter
E.J.H. Corner
Plant fossils favor creation -- Corner
Jerry A. Coyne
Theoretical foundations and the experimental evidence for neo-Darwinism is weak - Orr and Coyne
Joel L. Cracraft
Difficult to find fossils intermediate in morphology and stratigraphic position -- Cracraft
Deep dark secrets of paleontology -- Cracraft
Sir Francis Crick
Origin of life appears to be almost a miracle -- Crick
Mark Czarnecki
The major problem in proving evolution is the fossil record -- Czarnecki
Charles Robert Darwin
We cannot prove a single species has changed -- Darwin
Rightfully reject my whole theory -- Darwin
My theory would absolutely break down -- Darwin
That fact would be fatal to the theory of descent -- Darwin
Darwin conscious that his work was speculation beyond bounds of true science -- Darwin
Darwin admits his book is too hypothetical and authors persuade themselves of own dogma -- Darwin
Darwin admits facts can be shown against all points he made in
Origin of Species
-- Darwin
Darwin admits that the fossil record presents valid arguments against his theory -- Darwin
Darwin staggered by the grave difficulties in his theory -- Darwin
Darwin admits that innumerable transitional fossils called for by his theory are not found -- Darwin
Darwin admits that he cannot prove any species has changed due to Natural Selection -- Darwin
Evolution of the eye is absurd -- Darwin
Follow those impulses and instincts which are the strongest or which seem best -- Darwin
Abominable mystery -- Darwin
The most obvious and serious objection against the theory -- Darwin
Devoted myself to a fantasy -- Darwin
Civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races - Darwin
Civilized Caucasian races will eliminate the lower races - Darwin
Richard Dawkins
Punctuationists and gradualists both agree the gaps are real -- Dawkins
Betsy Dexter Dyer
The eukaryotic cell is a kind of wonderland fantasy biologists construct in their imaginations - Dyer and Obar
Sir John Eccles
No recognizable way for conscience life to have emerged -- Eccles
Paul R. Ehrlich
Evolution cannot be refuted by any possible observations - Ehrlich and Birch
Niles Eldredge (often mispelled "Niles Eldridge")
Sudden diversification of multi-cellular life -- Eldredge
Taxa appear suddenly -- Eldredge
Paleontologists say fossils support gradualism knowing that it does not -- Eldredge
Trends are after the fact render of evolutionary history -- Eldredge
Taxa appear suddenly and without intermediates -- Eldredge
Members of a biota remain stable -- Eldredge
Paleontologists have been searching in vain -- Eldredge
Gaps can not be easily explained by poor fossil record -- Eldredge
Absence of gradual intermediate transitional forms -- Eldredge
We date rocks by their fossils and can't then talk about evolutionary patterns in the record - Eldredge
Evolution never seems to happen - Eldredge
Fossil record flatly fails to substantiate finely-graded change -- Eldredge and Tattersall
Paleontologists knew it but preferred to ignore it -- Eldredge and Tattersall
No empirical evidence for sustained trends -- Gould and Eldredge
Smooth intermediates are impossible to construct; mosaics like
do not count - Gould and Eldredge
Douglas H. Erwin
Transitionals between taxa are unknown; neither gradualism nor punctuated equilibrium explain changes in body plans - Valentine and Erwin
Albert Fleischmann
Evolution has grave defects -- Fleischmann
Peter L. Forey
Fossils cloud attempts at phylogeny -- Fortey
Douglas J. Futuyma
Fossil record has disappointingly few gradual series -- Futuyma
Major groups appear suddenly -- Futuyma
William Henry "Bill" Gates III
DNA is like a program -- Gates
Henry Gee
New fossils forced into prexisting stories -- Gee
The very idea of the missing link, always shaky, is now completely untenable -- Gee
Stephen Jay Gould
Multicellular animals appear with a bang -- Gould
Fossils caused Darwin more grief than joy -- Gould
Nothing much happens to most species -- Gould
Non-change was tacitly acknowledged -- Gould
Fossil record has precious little intermediate forms -- Gould
Paleontologists paid enormous price for Darwin's argument -- Gould
Paleontologists have long known about stasis and abrupt appearance -- Gould
Inability to construct functional intermediates -- Gould
The notion of species as 'natural kinds' fits splendidly with creationist tenets - Gould
The extreme rarity of transitional forms persist as the trade secret of paleontology - Gould
Three coexisting lineages of hominids refute evolutionary ladder - Gould
We cannot trace any fossil ape to any living species; just when our lineage began is where no fossil evidence exists - Gould
Hominid fossils are mere fragments and scraps and only a basis for speculation and storytelling - Gould
An error in a program generating evolutionary trees debunked an African source for humans - Gould
Failure to find a clear 'vector of progress' in life's history is most puzzling fact of fossil record - Gould
The fossil record with its abrupt transitions offers no support for gradual change - Gould
I can envision observations and experiments that would disprove any evolutionary theory - Gould
The Discovery Institute Quote Mines Stephen Jay Gould
Smooth intermediates are impossible to construct; mosaics like Archaeopteryx do not count - Gould and Eldredge
No empirical evidence for sustained trends -- Gould and Eldredge
Little evidence for phyletic gradualism -- Gould, Luria, and Singer
The Guardian Weekly
No evidence for transitional creatures --
The Guardian Weekly
Roger Haines, Jr.
Macroevolution fails at every level -- Haines
Francis Hitching
Constancy about the fossil gaps -- Hitching
Kenneth J. Hsü
The Darwinian Fallacy is an emperor without clothes - Hsü
David Jablonski
No phylum level designs since Cambrian -- Valentine and Jablonski
Glenn L. Jepsen
Links missing where we most want them -- Jepsen, Mayr, and Simpson
Judge John Edward Jones III
The Discovery Institute Quote Mines Judge Jones
Robert Jostrow
No proof life was not created -- Jostrow
Sir Arthur Keith
Unproved and unprovable -- Keith
The law of Christ is incompatible with the law of evolution -- Keith
Tom S. Kemp
Evolutionary interpretation is a circular argument -- Kemp
Gerald A. Kerkut
No definitive evidence that viruses, bacteria, or protozoa are inter-related -- Kerkut
David B. Kitts
Fossils do not prove that evolution occurs -- Kitts
Evolution requires intermediate forms and paleontology does not provide -- Kitts
Danger of circularity is still present - Kitts
H. J. Lipson
The only acceptable explanation is creation -- Lipson
Salvador Edward Luria
Little evidence for phyletic gradualism -- Gould, Luria, and Singer
L. Harrison Matthews
Evolution is an unproven theory and therefore exactly parallel to special creation - Matthews
Ernst Mayr
Contradiction of Darwin's gradualism and paleontology -- Mayr
Links missing where we most want them -- Jepsen, Mayr, and Simpson
John F. McDonald
The last 20 years of research has led us to a great Darwinian paradox - McDonald
Chris McGowan
We have many gaps in key areas -- McGowan
Robert A. Millikan
No scientists can prove evolution -- Millikan
Louis T. More
Based on faith alone -- More
George T. Neville
No need to apologize for the fossil record -- Neville
Norman D. Newell
Groups abruptly appear and disappear -- Newell
Ladder of evolution is not borne out by evidence -- Newell
John R. Norman
No evidence for the origin of fish -- Norman
Robert Allan Obar
The eukaryotic cell is a kind of wonderland fantasy biologists construct in their imaginations - Dyer and Obar
J.E. O'Rourke
Use of rocks to date fossils and fossils to date rocks is circular reasoning - O'Rourke
H. Allen Orr
Theoretical foundations and the experimental evidence for neo-Darwinism is weak - Orr and Coyne
Colin Patterson
If I knew of any evolutionary transitions -- Patterson
C.R.C. Paul
Well-documented lineages don't withstand scrutiny -- Paul
Fossil record more complete than generally accepted -- Paul
Sir Karl Popper
Darwinism is not testable; it is a metaphysical research programme -- Popper
R.H. Rastall
From a strictly philosophical standpoint, geologists argue in a circle - Rastall
David M. Raup
An uneven or jerky fossil record -- Raup
Higher categories are a mystery and appear abruptly without transitional forms - Raup and Stanley
Boyce Rensberger
The example of horse evolution has long been known to be wrong - Rensberger
Robert E. Ricklefs
Punctuated equilibria rests on shaky ground -- Ricklefs
Mark Ridley
No evolutionist uses the fossil record as evidence -- Ridley
Alfred Sherwood Romer
There are no transitional fossils showing the origins of rodents - Romer
Harry Rubin
Too complex to have occurred by chance -- Rubin
Jeffrey H. Schwartz
Fossil record should be fife with transitional forms -- Schwartz
George Gaylord Simpson
Every paleontologist knows taxa appear suddenly -- Simpson
Links missing where we most want them -- Jepsen, Mayr, and Simpson
Sam Singer
Little evidence for phyletic gradualism -- Gould, Luria, and Singer
Peter J. Smith
Little evidence of modification within species -- Smith
Wolfgang Smith
Pseudometaphysical hypothesis -- Smith
Barbra J. Stahl
No known fish directly ancestral to land vertebrates -- Stahl
How feathers arose initially from reptilian scales defies analysis -- Stahl
Steven M. Stanley
Species overlap in time -- Stanley
Higher categories are a mystery and appear abruptly without transitional forms - Raup and Stanley
No examples of phyletic evolution found in fossil record - Stanley
Ian Tattersall
Fossil record flatly fails to substantiate finely-graded change -- Eldredge and Tattersall
Paleontologists knew it but preferred to ignore it -- Eldredge and Tattersall
S. C. Todd
Even if all data point to an Intelligent Designer, science excludes hypothesis as not naturalistic - Todd
Harold C. Urey
An article of faith -- Urey
James W. Valentine
Transitionals between taxa are unknown; neither gradualism nor punctuated equilibrium explain changes in body plans - Valentine and Erwin
No phylum level designs since Cambrian -- Valentine and Jablonski
Difficult to establish phylogeny -- Ayala and Valentine
George Wald
Spontaneous generation arising to evolution is scientifically impossible --Wald
Spontaneous generation is impossible but believed -- Wald
D.M.S. Watson
Evolution accepted because creation is incredible -- Watson
Robert Wesson
The gaps are real -- Wesson
Errol White
Lungfish have origins firmly based on nothing -- White
Adam S. Wilkins
Most biologists can conduct their work without reference to evolutionary ideas - Wilkins
Peter G. Williamson
Gaps are a persistent problem -- Williamson
The principle problem is stasis -- Williamson
D.S. Woodroof
Fossil species remain unchanged -- Woodroff
Sewall G. Wright
Systematic effect of mutation is degeneration -- Wright
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