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Icons of Evolution FAQs

Icons of Evolution

Creationist Jonathan Wells, an intelligent-design advocate affiliated with the Discovery Institute, has written a book entitled Icons of Evolution, which states that some of the best-known evidences for evolution -- such as the peppered moths, the Miller-Urey abiogenesis experiment, and the finches of the Galápagos islands -- are false, fraudulent or misrepresented in college-level textbooks. Articles found here refute Wells' book and demonstrate that the traditional, mainstream-science-supporting interpretations of these "icons" are correct.

Icon of Obfuscation
Nick Matzke's long and comprehensive article lists Wells' "icons" and refutes his claims one by one, showing how in each case it is Wells who has promoted deceptive interpretations of these famous evidences for evolution.
Jonathan Wells and Darwin's Finches
This article examines one of Wells' "icons" -- the finch species of the Galápagos islands -- in greater detail, showing how Wells' claims about them do not stand up to scrutiny.
Wells and Haeckel's Embryos
A biologist reviews the embryology "icon" in detail and shows that contrary to Wells that embryos are evidence for evolution.
Icons of Human Evolution
A review of the "From Ape to Human: The Ultimate Icon" chapter of Icons. It is part of the Fossil Hominids section of this Archive.
Kansas Evolution Hearings: Testimony of Jonathan Wells
A transcript of the testimony given by Wells in the so-called "science hearings" of May, 2005.

Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism

In 2006, Wells published a new book called The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design. The Panda's Thumb has a detailed reviews of this factually incorrect book:

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