Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | After long
consideration necessitated by a desire to stay out of controversy
and not add to it, I decided that it was time to pick a side.
I choose the side of Evolution simply because as each day passes, I find it more and more difficult to understand the arguments for Intelligent Design. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | I just finished reading your review of the Woodmorappe book about the flood, and his response to your review. Rhetorical question: Why do creationists bother with all those complicated explanations? Why not just say that God sent squads of angels to handle all the details? If they're going to believe in magic floods, why don't they have the courage of their belief system and go all the way? |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | Because they want
it taught as science in the classroom and the US
Constitution says they can't do that if it is just another
religious dogma. So they have to pretend that it can be
Sorry. I like answering rhetorical questions. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | John Morales |
Comment: | I write to express
my gratitude to all who contributed to this site. (OK.. and to
encourage current and future contributors! :)
It seems wondrous to me that, somehow and despite the considerable obstacles involved, it has come to exist. I recall attempting to contribute to Usenet sometime back in the late 1990's and becoming quickly discouraged, not least by spam and trolls. I mention this to show I have some appreciation of the magnitude of the collective effort which must have been put into this, and of the restraint and civility shown. I also appreciate your adherence to the spirit of Usenet, whereby I enjoy not having to download n(x) bytes to read x bytes worth of text for some large value of n. Please, should you ever choose to provide, um.. "flashier" content, keep a text-centric option available. I feel that this site is much more than "an archive" of Usenet posts. Anyway, thank you all. Sincerely. PS. Pardon my verbosity. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | This site is very well written. In reading through the faq's my mind was never bogged down with awkward phrases or confusing jargon. Never did I have to go back and read the sentence over and over again to understand what was being said. I would have to say that not only did the authors here have a good understanding of their subject but a good command of the english language. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Consider adding
this reference to CH301 --
"Creature Mortality: From Creation or the Fall?," J. Evangelical Theological Society 35/1 (March 1992) 51-68 An abbreviated version of this paper is online at |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | If the
creationist/intelligent design analysis is so foolish, why does
it seem you are so eager to expend so much time and money to
refute it. Won't it fail, and fade from memory of it's own
Unconventional thought processes have been accepted to solve all kinds of problems in this age. Why not think "out of the box" about science and chemistry and natural history? Why must everyone think like you? Darwin ceased to believe in the theory that bears his name today. But, if Darwin could investigate the world with today's technology, do you think he would allow himself to be limited to a discussion of natural selection? I believe he was more open-minded than that. I think he would work more and guess less. Thank You, Jeff Colclasure |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | Because
foolishness gets people killed, and it does not go away on its
I highly recommend the book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay. Some of the follies it covers merely result in strange fashions, but others destroy people's livelihoods, and some kill people on large scales. It was written in 1841 but is still amazingly timely today. "Intelligent design" has not yet, to the best of my knowledge, resulted in loss of life, but if it becomes prevalent, it surely will. The theory of evolution is used in medicine, for example, in tracking the spread of diseases in order to combat them more effectively. ID wants to destroy such science. But it is not just ID we are fighting. An anti-science attitude is uncomfortably common in this country. Such an attitude will result in slowing of technical advances, reversion to some harmful superstitions, loss of expertise as competent scientists move overseas, and poor planning resulting in costs of countless billions of dollars spent cleaning up after avoidable disasters. You can see most of these starting already. Thinking outside the box is important to solve these problems, but so is thinking that is grounded in reality. ID abandons reality, or at least any ties to it. And ID's thinking is not even original; its design hypothesis has been around 2000 years at least and has contributed absolutely nothing useful in all that time. Incidentally, Darwin did not cease to believe his theory. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Bible Man |
Comment: | Were you in the garden of eden when God created the universe? If you weren't then how dare you act as if you know everything. Only God was there, and he wrote in the BIBLE exactly how he created the world. You have no right to challenge God and to mock his belivers. But mock us while you can! Like the rich man in the bible you will soon be saying, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send a Creationist that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.' You evolutionists will be begging Creationists for relief from the flames of hell. But Abraham will tell you evolutionists, 'now the Creationists are comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.' One of the joys of heaven will be watching the unsaved burn in hell!!!! I can't wait to stand with God, Abraham, and Jesus on one side of the gulf, watching the skin of all the unsaved evolutionists burn for all eternity. Charles Darwin can't save you! Only the love of Jesus can save you. Repent now, admit evolution is a lie, while you still have a chance! And if you don't, someday the creationists will be rejoicing by watching you burn forever in hell, praise Jesus!!!! |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Great site, which I'll be recommending to my students. However, I note in several places (including a response to feedback in Sept 05) writers refer to the issue of whether early hominid remains are those of 'humans' or 'apes'. Surely it should be 'OTHER apes'...? I mean, please, you wouldn't let your kids refer to chimps as monkeys would you? ;-) |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | Thanks, but either this is a creationist canard that is being mentioned, or it is a creationist canard that is being mocked. They are the ones who need to say that something is either ape or human but not both. We know perfectly well that humans are hominids, hominims, great apes, primates and so on. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am instructed in the Bible to warn every person that – unless they receive God’s “salvation” –they will be judged by God for their sins (e.g. lying, theft, selfishness, using God’s name as a curse word, etc.). The good news is that we can know God personally – and thereby receive forgiveness for our sins. Jesus said, “Ask (God) and you will receive.” The alternative, as I understand it, is to be separated forever from God and heaven in a place of suffering called “hell.” So the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus’ death on a brutal Roman Cross. Such is his love for you and I. Having written you this note – both as a warning of God’s judgment and as an invitation to eternal life in a perfect paradise – I will consider that I have fulfilled my duty towards both you and God. The Bible says to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling,” and to “test yourselves to see if you are in the faith.” Selected Bible verses: John 17:3, Isaiah 53, Mark 10:15, John 3:16 |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | I'm a United Methodist. Many millions of Christians are also fine with accepting the findings of science, including evolutionary biology. See the religious organizations section of Voices for Evolution. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Jason Black |
Comment: | I am in the habit
of emailing feedback to both evolutionist and creationist sites.
The thing is Intelligent Design is not the same as creationism,
nor does it go against evolution. I have heard people protest
that it is not the scientific method to believe in ID. To me it
seems like sound logic. It seems like way too big a coincidence
that so many animal's bodies could have a male and female with a
reproductive system that corresponds so perfectly. How can both
the placental mammals and the marsupials have such similarly
designed carnivores (Tasmanian Wolf, Tasmanian Tiger) and
rodents? (Musky Rat Kangaroo) They correspond to placental
mammals in almost every way except for their reproductive
On the other hand, I question the creationist sites as well. These people could go a long way towards mainstream acceptance if they would accept the age of the Earth that legitamate scientific testing has indicated. I understand the average evolutionist's problem with Intelligent Design. Not all Intelligent Design proponents are Young Earth Creationists, but all Young Earth Creationists are Intelligent Design proponents. To your site's credit, I am fully convinced that the Earth is more than just a couple thousand years old, and I do not believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis or Flood Geology. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | ID is a
religiously inspired philosophy, not a science. It has no theory,
no practice, no explanation and no way to further research. As a
logic, it may work if you accept the premises, but those premises
that can be tested empirically, such as the supposed inability of
things to evolve that are unlikely, or have "irreducible
complexity", can be shown to be false.
Males and females are compatible because they evolved together - any species in which the males cannot inseminate the females is going extinct pretty fast! Another way to look at this is that the genes in a male's body were very recently genes in a female's body. Their genetic interests coincide. The convergently evolved organisms you mention are very unlike each other, except superficially and ecologically. This is expected if they have distinct phylogenetic histories, but not for any other candidate explanation, including ID. There's no reason why a design that worked in placental wolves shouldn't be repeated exactly in Tasmania and the mainland of Australia. There is a reason, though, why distantly related lineages won't be identical except superficially. I quote Darwin:
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Im a biology student currently taking genetics and organic evolution. After reading the review of the book "Skeletons in your closet" I was absolutely appalled that this would even be allowed to be published. These books will be the downfall of our society; our children will grow up being closed minded and will ignore important advances in science and technology. Thanks for opening my eyes to this very important disease of society. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | This is a common
argument: because science changes its mind about things, it can't
be right at any time, and so we are open to doubting all science.
I find it amusing that science is being attacked for what it does
best - learning about the world.
And argumentum ab CAPSLOCK has never been all that convincing. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Bible Man |
Comment: | Evolutionsts Paul Mirecki now knows of the wrath of God. His put downs of creationists were exposed in an email he wrote. Then he wanted to take Creationism out of the science curriculum at Kansas and move it to a mythology class. But the Creator had other plans! God led two of his servants sent to give Mirecki the butt whipping he deserved! After getting out of the hospital with head injuries, Mirecki then was forced to resign his position at the University of Kansas! I pray that other evolutionists will repent or receive the same or worse fate!!! God is more powerful than the words of any darwinist. If you don't repent immediately and admit that God created the world exactly like He said He did in the Bible, don't be surprised if someday you wind up in a hospital - or in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | Dear Reader: In
what substantial way is this sick sorry individual any different
from a member of the Taliban, I wonder?
My own thoughts on the Mirecki affair are available here. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Currently, I lean
towards the belief of evolution. I am a born skeptic, so I am not
easily convinced one way or the other. Unfortunately, I also have
little education or ability to completely understand much that is
described in detail on this site and others. Recently on a thread
at Panda's thumb, Salvador Cordova challenged Lenny Flank to a
one on one on a different bulletin board. Salvador (the ID guy,
whom I am pretty sure you already know), in my opinion, spanked
Mr. Lenny Flank like a baby. I was disappointed with Mr. Flanks
mostly childish way of debate and seeming inability to directly
refute the following. Especially because I was mostly on his
side. Basically Mr. Cordova stated that the Quantum Mechanics
equation (Schrodinger's Equations) which I cant type here since
my keyboard lacks the symbols, proves mind. Mind behind the
universe. A quote from Salvador : "I have said before that
Darwinism can not be derived from these laws of nature, because
Darwinism isn't science, but a metaphysical postion contradicted
by the laws of nature, particularly extensions of statistical
mechanics" (Link
Does Salvador Cordova have a legitimate point? Could our current knowledge of physics make biological evolution impossible? If the above link does not work, I can send you a word document of it. Thank you for your time. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | Cordova's math is
designed solely to bamboozle people who are impressed by
incomprehensible math. It is, to use the technical term,
Schrodinger's equation applies to the change of a quantum mechanical system over time. It has been solved to describe a single particle in certain special conditions, and it can be used to approximate somewhat more complicated conditions. No physicist would dream of using it to analyze anything even as complicated as stretching a rubber band. Trying to use it to determine anything about the mind is way beyond its scope and will tell you nothing, except perhaps that you have lost yours. Would you apply mathematical equations of quantum mechanics to determine when a tomato is ripe or to figure out whether smoking is bad for you? What Cordova is doing is sillier still; he is claiming (falsely) that he has applied his quantum mechanics equations on an even larger scale, and somewhere they show something that is somehow wrong. But god forbid he ever say where, what, or how. Evolution depends on a few simple requirements: reproduction, variation, and differential selection. To prove evolution impossible, physics would have to prove that one or more of those requirements is not met. Given that all of them have been directly observed, disproving them does not seem terribly likely. |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | i think its funny
how "creationists rely on arguments that have been proven false
for 25 years" when evolution itself relies on several "evidences"
that have been proven wrong over 150 years ago. take heackel's
drawings of embryology for example, that his OWN UNIVERSITY put
him on trial for. he, in the trial, confessed that they were
fakes. yet mysteriously, they are still used to prove we evolved
in some way. whether you use that proof on this site is
unimportant, but if you agree on the falseness of these drawings,
you should be making furvent effort to inform fellow beleivers as
evolution, in all its atheistic ways, is the most faith-based concept ive ever seen. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | To begin with
there does not appear to be any evidence that Ernst Haeckel was
ever put on trial by his university and baring any historical
evidence to the contrary it should be regarded as simply another
antievolutionist myth. Haeckel was involved in a slander lawsuit
(and countersuit) with one of his former students, Otto Hamann
(1857-1928), which resulted in both parties paying fines (Haeckel
200DM, Hamann 30DM), but this had nothing to do with
Haeckel’s drawings. It is possible that this is the
ultimate source of the myth.
See: Haeckel’s Embryos by Troy Britain (and the Richards article linked below) for more on the trial myth. As for the supposed confession (not associated with any sort of trial) that is often referred to by antievolutionists it is little more than a sarcastic retort published in an early 20th century German newspaper that Haeckel made in response to one his contemporary critics, Arnold Brass. Here is his supposed “confession”: [Source Warning : the following is taken from an antievolutionist/anti-Haeckel book, so I cannot vouch for its accuracy, the accuracy of the translation, for the missing context or what might be missing in the ellipses (…)! I unfortunately do not have access to the original (or the ability to read German).]
The readers can judge for themselves as to whether this appears to be an actual sincere confession of wrongdoing. See: The Struggle over Evolution and Religion in the Nineteenth Century, with Ernst Haeckel as the Anti-Pope by Robert J. Richards, for an excellent discussion of the controversy which was the context for Haeckel’s “confession”. With regards to the accuracy of Haeckel’s drawings, and here I am speaking of the (in)famous plates from the 3rd edition (1876) of Haeckel’s book Anthropogeny (The Evolution of Man was the English title) which are so often reprinted, they slightly exaggerate the similarities between the different vertebrate embryos that they depict, but only slightly and they do not deviate from the actual embryos in any material way. That is if one were to substitute photographs of corresponding embryos this would not lessen their value as evidence of common descent. Recent comparisons of Haeckel’s drawings to photographs of embryos, ostensibly to show how inaccurate Haeckel’s drawings are (Richardson et al, 1997), are themselves, in my opinion, flawed. Earlier stage embryos, without extraembryonic tissues (umbilical stocks, yolk-sacs etc.) are a much closer match to Haeckel’s drawings than those used by Richardson et al. Finally evolution is not any more atheistic than any other part of science and many if not most theists have no particular problem reconciling their faiths with the findings of science. See: Statements from Religious Organizations in Voices for Evolution on the NCSE web site. The Clergy Letter Project, signed by over ten thousand members of the clergy stating that they have no problem with evolution. References Haeckel, Ernst (1908) from newspaper article in Berliner Volkszeitung (12-29-1908), quoted in Assmuth, J. & Hull, Ernest R. (1915) Haeckel's Frauds And Forgeries, pp14-15. Richardson, Michael K. (et al.) (1997) “There is no highly conserved embryonic stage in the vertebrates: implications for current theories of evolution and development”, Anatomy and Embryology, 196:91-106 |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | The problem with social darwinism is that you qualify things based on an opinion of who or what is weak or unfit. There is no way to qualify what is unfit, simply because money is invovled, there could never be an unbiased opinion formed. What is fit for society may not be good for the planet as a whole, such as we are learing about global warming. So it would seem that living like an american indian is unfit to the current us society, however if we all lived like they did we would not have the problem of global warming, so maybe they are more fit etc... etc... case after case. |
Response | |
From: | |
Author of: | Evolution and Philosophy |
Response: | This is indeed a
problem for social Darwinism. Strictly speaking, on simple
evolutionary grounds, whatever manages to outbreed some
alternative within a species is by definition more fit. No social
Darwinian seems to have taken this to heart. Over the long run,
society will suffer from an over-exploitation of resources, and
yet the social Darwinian, if such a beast exists, thinks that
this is a moral good.
But I think you want to be a bit careful about claiming that indigenes are somehow better off. It's not that they live in "balance with nature" or whatever, so much as that they lacked the technology to overexploit ecological resources the way we did, and so the resulting cultural evolution left only those who were able to live on the basis of accessible resources. All human populations, given half a chance, will overexploit their environment. It takes an act of will and education to prevent it. |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | what is the history and backround of ica stones? |
Response | |
From: | |
Author of: | MOM and Atlantis, Mammoths, and Crustal Shift |
Response: | The Ica stones are
a collection of stones allegedly discovered in a cave near Ica,
Peru. These stones, which are cobbles of andesite, have
depictions of prehistoric men and various types of prehistoric
animals engraved on their surfaces. These engravings were created
by removing a very thin surface layer of altered andesite, which
had formed by the weathering of the cobbles. The removal of this
surface layer, called a "patina", exposed less altered andesite,
which differs in color from the surface patina and lies beneath
it. These stones are alleged to depict, among various other
things, prehistoric, advanced technology, including open-heart
surgery, brain transplants, telescopes, flying machines, and so
forth. Also, some stones are alleged to show prehistoric men
fighting Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Pterodactyls.
Dr. Cabrera has told people that his father found some of these stones in various local tombs. Other Ica Stones, he claimed were found in an unidentified cave. He has repeatedly refused to show professional archaeologists the locations of either the tombs or cave. As a result, neither the cave nor tombs, where the stones were allegedly discovered, have ever been either identified or examined in any way by either professional archaeologists or other investigators. Other local people claimed that Ica Stones also have been recovered from the bed of a local river, which they have also neither named nor given the location to outside investigators. As a result, there exist only vague second hand accounts, which nobody has been able to either verify or document, of where the people promoting the Ica Stones as real, allegedly found them. A local couple admitted in an article published by Mundial magazine in 1975 that they manufactured Ica Stones and sold them to Dr. Cabrera. These people stated they created the "yellowish ancient" patina on the stones by burying them and letting them "age" in a poultry pen filled with chickens. Recent examination of these stones revealed the use of modern sandpaper in the manufacture some of these stones. Conventional scientists and the Peruvian government consider the Ica Stones to be a complete hoax, which were created to earn money by selling them to Dr. Cabrera and gullible tourists. Four groups of people still argue for the authenticity of the Ica Stones. They are: (1.) supporters of the idea that extraterrestrials have repeatedly visited the Earth in the prehistoric past and influenced ancient civilizations; (2.) advocates of a lost prehistoric technologically advanced civilization, i.e. Atlantis, wiped out by a global catastrophe; (3.) Young Earth creationists looking evidence of Pre-Flood civilizations and dinosaurs living with human beings, and (4.) alternative historians, who argue that ancient myths are accurate historical records. More detailed discussions of the above points and other aspects of the history and backround of the Ica Stones can be found in: Polidoro, M., 2002, Notes on a Strange World: Ica Stones: Yabba-Dabba-Do! Skeptical Inquirer Magazine (September/October 2002) Domesticated Dinosaurs?, Weekly Column #56, May 27, 2000. By David Mathews |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Patrick Gaye |
Comment: | I have seen pictures of the supposed hind leg bones in whales. They look like little more than tiny rods. They serve a function to hold muscles together and they have nothing to do with whales once having legs. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | The problem here
for antievolutionists is that the case of whales we really have a
wonderful example of how all the evidence from several branches
of science all come together pointing to the same conclusion
(something called consilience), that
being that whales descend from four legged land animals.
Let’s take a quick walk through some of this converging
evidence so you can get an idea of what I mean.
By hind leg bones the writer is probably referring to the vestigial pelvic bones like those pictured here from a white-beaked dolphin. Most odontocetes, or toothed whales, seem to have small rod like pelvic bones like those pictured above. Mysticetes, or baleen whales, seem to have more varied and more elaborately shaped pelvic bones. For example here is a picture of those belonging to a Greenland right whale. For lots of interesting pictures of whale pelvic bones checkout this page on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s website. Yes, these small bones still apparently serve a secondary function (at least in some species) as an anchor point for muscles and/or ligaments of the reproductive organs (just as pelvic bones do in terrestrial vertebrates) but this does not detract from the fact that they are vestigial as pelvic bones used as support structure and attachment point for hind legs. An analogous situation exists with the wings or ostriches. Despite the fact that ostriches use their wings for mating displays (and perhaps to shade their young) they are nevertheless vestigial as wings (an organ used for flight). This isn’t some new re-definition of what vestigial structures are; in fact Darwin talked about this in the The Origin of Species (only he referred to them as “Rudimentary, Atrophied, and Aborted Organs”).
So the antievolutionist arguments that claim that vestigial structures must have absolutely no function in order to count as vestigial are attacking a straw-man. About now our antievolutionist friends might be objecting that none of this proves that the vestigial pelvic bones have anything to do with whales having legs. Alright then let us move on to embryology. Here we have dolphin embryos; the small green circles indicate the hind limb buds. Please note that these are photographs not a drawing by Haeckel or any other antievolutionist whipping-boy. Now we move on to something called “atavisms”. An atavism is the reappearance in a living organism of a characteristic that would be found in the organism evolutionary ancestors. For example horses are occasionally born with small side toes (on one or both sides of their hooves) reflecting their three toed ancestors. In the case of whales some are occasionally born with hind legs developed to varying degrees. Sometimes it is just a small bit of femur extending off the vestigial pelvis and sometime it is a fairly well developed set of hind leg bones like those pictured here: These atavistic legs can sometime even extend outside the body of the whale giving them small hind limb buds as adults. For more on vestigial structures, atavisms, and comparative embryology see: 29+ Evidences for Macroevolution Part 2: Past History by Douglas Theobald Next we have fossil evidence to look at. Below is a picture of an extinct whale called Basilosaurus which had tiny hind limbs complete with toes (note the small bones about half way between the end of the tale and the rib bones). Here is a close up drawing of its hind legs (note that the picture of the whole skeleton and that of the leg bones are facing in opposite directions). To see a picture of the actual fossil foot bones check out this page by paleontologist Phillip Gigerich. See also his original description of the fossils here:
And of course there are several fossils intermediate between fully aquatic animals like Basilosaurus (and modern whales), and more terrestrial mammals with fully developed hind legs with which they were able to walk with (see links at bottom for more on this). Finally the genetic evidence indicates that the closest living relatives to whales are hippos. This tracts nicely with earlier predictions based on comparative anatomy that the whales should be related to the artiodactyls (even toed ungulates, cows, pigs, camels etc.) the group to which hippos belong. For info on the whale/hippo relationship see:
The above evidence, from several different lines of research (comparative anatomy, embryology, paleontology and genetics), all point in the same direction. They all point to the conclusion that whales evolved from ancestors that had hind legs, and beyond that ancestors that lived on land. No other scientific explanation logically and coherently explains this data. One could argue that it simply pleased a creator to design whales this way (to appear as if they evolved from land mammals) but such an argument is completely untestable and falls outside the realm of science. For more on whale evolution see:
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Thank you for the quality website. I am a scientist who often hears the claims of creationists. Unfortunately I don't always have the correct response because it's not in my specialty area. This of course "proves their point." It's nice to have all of the arguments and refernces in one place. Very enjoybale. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | The last sentence
of the informative and interesting "Introduction to Evolutionary
Biology" by Chris Colby contains what I believe is a factual and
philosophical error. The sentence reads; "Biologists, however,
can provide an elegant answer to the question, "How did we get
The question biologists can provide an elegant answer to is "Why are we the way we are?". Any answer to "How did we get here?" begs an infinite series of questions that quickly transcends any theoretical human ability to obtain data. "How did we get here?" is therefore not answerable by Science. Philosophically yours, Don |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | As an educated
layman (BS Zoology) but concerned about the brouhaha with the
recent creationism and ID cases in Pennsylvania and Kansas, I
felt the need to reassure myself that my basic understanding of
evolutionary theory was well-grounded.
In re-educating myself (and reviewing books and web sites on both sides of the issue, I found your site. It is by far the best resource I've found. It has a wonderful array of links and thoughtful commentary, really a one-stop-shopping mall of evolutionary ideas and counter-ideas. This is really an important service, and I intend to visit frequently. Great job to all of you! In reading the comments by of a number of young writers on your feedback pages, I'm struck by how angry and rude they are. Evolutionary theory certainly is not about challenging the existence of God or Jesus, but is simply an explanation of the mechanism by which the diversity of life developed over an immense period of time. Many Christians have, unfortunately, invested so heavily in a literal interpretation of the Bible that they feel they have no choice but to see the implications of evolution as destroying the very basis of their beliefs, and that is impossible for them to accept. |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | The article "29+
Evidences for Macro-Evolution" is an absolutely wonderful piece
of work. Those who are honest about disputing (or even defending)
evolution should be required to read it before pontificating
about whether macro-evolution occurs.
I do have one minor question though. Part 5 introduces the unit of a darwin to measure the rate of evolutionary change, but the definition seems a little murky to me. Is a darwin a measure of changes to the genotype? - counting each base replacement, addition, deletion etc as one change. If so, how are more drastic genome changes counted? Is it a measure of the rate of change to the phenotype? if so, how can there be any objective measure of what constitutes a single change? Needless to say, its hard to search for "darwin" without getting deluged with hits that have nothing to do with the unit for measuring the rate of evolution. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | The darwin is a
measure of relative change. Specifically, it is d = (ln(x2) - ln(x1)) / t where x1 and x2 are measurements of the same feature at two different times, t is the time passed in millions of years, and d is the result in darwins. This works out so that one darwin is roughly a 0.1% change per 1000 years. Note that it applies to individual features, not entire organisms. We do not expect all parts of an organism to change at the same rate. For example, if an animal's average tibia length was 5.0 cm 10,000 years ago and is 5.2 cm today, it grew at a rate of (ln(5.2) - ln(5.0)) / 0.01 = 3.9 darwins. For probably more than you want to know about the darwin and measurement of evolutionary change in general, see "Analysis of rates of morphologic evolution" by P. D. Roopnarine, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 34:605-632 (2003). Its abstract is freely available online. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | bob esterbrook |
Comment: | Sparkplugs were made and sold thru the 70's with screw on tips( lawn mowers) Any real spark plug collector would know that in a heart beat. I've seen this on the internet a few times and it just boggles my mind that people that are supposedly intelligent do not know enough to go ask an older parts guy at your local auto parts store. No comment on if it was a geode or not. bob |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | My comment is with
regards to the Kitzmiller-Dover article - why did you this, I
mean, why did you chronicle this so beautifully? I have spent at
least 30 solid hours reading it and I got a lot more left.
Seriously, though, kudos to an awesome job of publishing the whole thing. Not only has the article exposed me to the crooked ways of the religious nut cases but also taught me about the court proceedings - how questions are asked, how answers are given, and how one needs to be careful while testifying. Thanks a million, A well wisher. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | I've been hearing
numerous times that Talk Origins is under investigation for
misinformation and libel. I haven't heard any evidence of these
actual claims, so I decided to ask here.
Is Talk Origins under investigation? (I sincerely doubt it, given the citations posted for each response. If you are interested as to who is making such claims, one of these can be found here: |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | It's news to me. I think your respondent made it up. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | I am a born-again
Christian (aged 44),
and I think your site is brilliant - probably my favourite on the whole WWW. I am becoming more convinced that the YECs and even the Cs are, in fact, heretics destroying the reputation of Christianity with their stupidity. Your site really is a gem, a whole diamond mine, which makes me cry with laughter and cringe with embarassment (the YEC posts) - I love it. I tried to donate tonight but your donation site is down. I have read the whole thing now, (this has taken the best part of a year) every post and every FAQ - did you notice how many "angry" young Christian teens (probably brainwashed) you get negative feedback from? I am sooooo disappointed in the medieval ignorance and darkened outlook of your antagionists that had I not had a personal experience of both Christ (against my better judgement I woke up "born again" having suffered an overnight conversion!) and Demons/Evil I would be at best agnostic and at worst (or even "better" depending on your POV) an atheist, or more commonly and apathist - don't know and care even less!. I confess I do struggle with a Deity that I'm told has a "personal plan for me" (Jeremiah 29.11 - although God was talking to the Israelites in Babylon it hasn't stopped the evangelicals applying this for everyone's personal use), yet allows random massive catastrophe such as the Asia Tsunami - what was the plan for all them? Having said that at least He has the decency to admit responsibilty for random catastrophe "it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc" (Isiah 54:16) if only the Christians would read their own book. One of my personal favourites is the post-Ark arguments. I ask the (many) creationists I know why most of the marsupials trekked from Mt Ararat to Australia and how indeed the Koalas got there - presumably along a trail of the unique Eucalyptus leaves that comprise their diet across Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Burma, Thailand and the Indonesian archipeligo before "rafting it" to Oz! OTOH how did the giant tortoises get to the Galapagos Islands? A bit of uber-rafting required methinks. Enough of my ranting, I just wanted to say, from England, a big thank you, and may God or whatever you do or don't believe in, bless you from the bottom of his/her/its heart. You are the ones carrying the torch of hope. The YECs reading this should also be aware that their whole argument (that is WHOLE ARGUMENT) is based on incomplete genealogies and arguably, they are warned not once but twice to desist from such activity in Scripture - really, read on: "you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work--which is by faith. 5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk." (1 Timothy 1v4) and "But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned." (TITUS 3v9) no doubt none of the YECs or anti-evolutionists have bothered to point out these scriptures to you "scientists" in case you use them against them. I challenge any YEC to make a case that is not genealogy-based. as a final ps where do I find authoritative refutation of those who are convinced by Frank Peretti's latest subtle DNA-based anti-evolution novel? Enough for now. Do keep it up the great work and fix your paypal! |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | I don't, as an
agnostic, tar all Christians, not even all evangelicals, with the
same brush as the angry souls who attack us in our Feedback (and
we don't publish more than a fraction of them - they are very
repetitive and boring). TalkOrigins Archive is a multi-faith site
of people with all kinds of beliefs. We agree, with you, that
evolution is science, although some are less tolerant than others
of the stupid prejudice that some creationists display.
We get roughly 100 responses per month, and a substantial portion are people who haven't even bothered to read the FAQs on the topics they bring up triumphantly. If we published them all, nobody would even read Feedback. Argument from Scripture is not convincing unless you are of that faith community, and we have to hold in abeyance such arguments or else we'd have to accept Hindu, Islamic and Christian (all tens of thousands of denominations and theological and exegetical traditions) views. Of course, what matters in science is observation, evidence and useful theory. I'm no tfamiliar with Peretti's book, sorry. |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | Here is an
excellent web site if you dare publish it for all to see and to
access. I believe in freedom of expression and information
don’t you? We will see
Thank You Anonymous |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | You’re
joking right?
Do we “dare publish it for all to see”? We already have several links to this site-O-pseudoscience in the Archive. In fact we publish a whole page full of nothing but links to such bilge (including that very one). See: What gave you the idea that we were afraid to link to sites that promote pseudoscience? |
Feedback Letter | |
Comment: | I thought that
this site was for the debate between creation and evolution. I
just finished reading your FAQ, which leads me to believe that
this site is an evolutionistic site aimed at disproving
creationism. Is this true? The FAQ gives the most likely answer
to that question. So the next question I have is: Why?
-Mark |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | From the Archive's front page:
So yes, this site is a site which defends evolution against antievolutionist attacks. As for why, speaking personally I don’t like the fact that antievolutionists spread falsehoods and misinformation, and I really don’t like that they want those things taught in public school sciences classes. I should think that defending truth from falsehood wouldn’t need an explanation. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | I found your article on "Darwin On Trial" very interesting. I have been confronted by a creationist who told me that a number of evolutionist "facts" are still being taught in some schools as fact and wonder whether you would be interested in giving them a sceptics critique. For example the Earnst Haeckel embryonic drawings; are they fake and was Mr Haeckel found guilty of fraud by his own university? He also told me that the Vestigal pelvic bones in whales have been found to be useful in the birthing process and are not vestigal at all. Is this true? He then told me that the skeletal evolution of the horse that is still in school text books has been known to be false for 35+ years. is this true?? I would appreciate direction to a web site that could settle these questions one way or the other. thanks for your continued work. Jon. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | I covered the
first two of these arguments at length in other feedback
responses this month so quickly:
For more advanced reading see:
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Andy |
Comment: | Please let's do something about "Intelligent Design" being taught in science classes! This is ridiculous! Everyone is entitled to his/her own religious beliefs, but nobody should be allowed to masquerade them as "science". Let's be more honest for God's sake. Since when are supernatural explanations part of scientific reasoning? |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Dealing with
creationists and proponents of "Intelligent Design" is a lot like
smacking one of those punching bag clowns that are weighted at
the base - no matter how hard you punch, they keep coming back
up. I've had my own run-ins with these people, and it is an
incredibly frustrating and wearying task - they're impervious to
reason and logic, and have no scruples about distorting/lying
when it suits their purpose. But it's vitally important to keep
punching, so sites like this are a fantastic resource in the
battle to uphold the integrity of science and science education.
Thank you! |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | I think you
misunderstood (or more likely I was not clear) with my question
last month.
I understand how variation and natural selection as a evolutionary mechanism would work at a population level. There would be many within a population with a beneficial trait favored for selection. However, how does a beneficial mutation occurring in only one individual become a mechanism for evolution? At best, it certainly would be a much slower evolutionary mechanism than natural variation simply because it started with only one individual. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | One thing that you
overlook here is that once a mutation is passed on in
reproduction it can spread through a population pretty quickly if
it is neutral or nearly so in terms of fitness.
Most evolutionary novelty is in fact recombination of pre-existing mutations. Mutations can remain in populations for a long time before they become paired with other genes that together make a novelty, even over several speciation events, or until an environmental change makes it a useful variant. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | I read the comments about Biblical innerancy and they misrepresent the basic claim. The claim is that the documents were originally transmitted without error not that there aren't any errors in our current versions of the Bible which have been copied numerous times. This makes me question some of the other information on this page because how can I trust that you represent information accurately about subjects of which I have little knowledge when I know that you misrepresent subjects of which I know a little? |
Response | |
From: | Chris Stassen |
Author of: | Isochron Dating |
Response: | Most inerrantists
believe in inerrancy of the original manuscripts only, but there
are those who argue that various translations are also divinely
inspired and without error. They do have a fairly sensible
argument for why this must be so:
Feedback Letter | |
From: | |
Comment: | Sometime ago
someone asked how long it took for life to form on Earth. I think
I can help.
Earth forms c4500 Myrs ago. Jack Hills Zircons (W Australia) c4400 Myrs ago. Formed on cool, wet surface? Isua Sediments (S Iceland) c3800 Myrs ago. Oldest evidence of life. Therefore it took only about 100 Million years to form a cool, wet crust and about 600 Million years for life to appear! See "A cool early Earth?" John W Valley. Scientific American Oct 2005 pp40-8. |
Response | |
From: | |
Response: | The Isua evidence
for life has been called into question. See, e.g., van Zuilen et
al., 2002, Reassessing the evidence for the earliest traces of
life, Nature 418: 627.
There is a variety of evidence for life about 3450 million years old, though, so the first life must have appeared in something less than a billion years. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Luke Bartlett |
Comment: | Firstly, [insert
all published praise for talkorigins here].
My question is very unscientific: why is the grammar of creationist correspondents uniformly awful? If fundamentalism wins out and all scientific and social enquiry is abolished, the resultant environment will elevate religious faith as a survival trait (again). Since "ur al hommo stanists & gong to hel!!!" is clearly an acceptable statement of one's faith and beliefs, the English language will surely go the way of the dinosaurs*. What will we call a species of human which can recite Bible verse by rote, but cannot use paragraphs or capital letters? Homo illiteratus? * constructed from papier-mache by a cabal of wily scientists hell-bent on keeping the elect out of heaven. |
Feedback Letter | |
From: | Thomas |
Comment: | Even though I am a
conservative Bible-believing Christian, it may come as a shock to
many that I never believed in the creationist psudoscience
embraced by most of my fellow conservative Christians. Also, I
never believed that science is at odds with religion , and it is
a shame that many conservatives and all fundamentalist Christian
engage in ad hominem attacks (which is very un-Christian in the
least!) against evolutionists, including those who are as
Christian as they are. We Christians need to realize that our
enemies are not "flesh and blood," but Satan and his demonic
minions, not evolution, not modern science, not Dawinism. I am
afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden in
Genesis, that conservative and fundamentalist Christians are
being used as tools of Satan to do his dirty work of sowing seeds
of discord among God's people, and making mountains out of
molehills. Fighting evolution will only hurt the cause of
Since God is spirit and no one can understand his ways (even the most compentent of scientists), I can see that the Genesis account of the creation of the universe can be seen spiritually and symbolicly, not literally as creationists argue. If one see the forest (that is, the overall picture) than just the trees (the details), he can see that there nothing that argues that modern science is at odds with the Genesis account. What is most important in the Genesis account of creation: the overall picture that God created the universe and everything in it, or is it the details? Since the words of God are spirit, it would be best to interpret the creation account "in spirit," not literally. Since God made foolish the "wisdom" of the world (1 Corinthians 1:20), he also made foolish the "wisdom" held by the creationists. Let us pray to God that the creationist movement dies, as evolution (as do all things) is from him, and to deny this is to deny this power he posesses. Amen. |