(adj) 1. A proposed term to describe mentally dense posters or postings. A darian poster can be told a simple fact (e.g., "Evolution does not have goals") three dozen times, illustrated by as many different examples and analogies, and still respond with "But then what is the goal of evolution?" See Scientific cretinism.
(n) 1. The level of impenetrability of a post due to application of the Argument from Infinite Digression and/or sheer mental density, measured in milliDarians (mD), as in "800 mD." See Darius Lecointe.
(adj) 1. Of or pertaining to natural selection. 2. Natural selection with gradualist assumptions.
Day-Age theory
(np) 1. A creationist variety which holds that the word "day" appearing in Genesis 1 should actually be read as "age". The theory is an attempt to reconcile literalism(2) with science, but (like the Gosse Assertion) satisfies neither side.
(n) [FAQ] 1. Scalar unit of measure on a relative scale. [den.] 2. Award conferred by institutions of higher learning in recognition of the recipient's completion of coursework and research in a program of study. [conn., science] 3. As in degree(2), or additionally an award conferred by an unaccredited institute in recognition of the recipient's paying of the requisite printing fee, or an award conferred upon one by oneself in recognition of one's founding of the unaccredited institute, or an award conferred by one upon oneself in recognition that one deserves it. [conn., SciCre]
(n) 1. A relative dating technique utilizing tree rings. 2. Item of evidence misinterpreted due to uniformitarian/uniformitarian BS assumptions.
(adj) 1. In eukaryotes, having the normal complement of chromosomes, that is, that chromosomes occur in homologous pairs.
(n) 1. Principles or propositions so firmly held that they are incapable of change, even when accumulated contrary evidence might indicate that a change is in order. [den.] 2. The positions of one's opponent in debate or discussion. [conn.]
(adj) 1. Making assertions and arguments without the least concern for the content of replies or proffered documentary materials, such that the arguments so forwarded have the properties of dogma(1).