Posts of the Month for 1998
- February: Missing
Links Still Missing?!
- Wesley Elsberry compares Darwin's predictions about the fossil
record to what we actually observe.
- March: Rank Amateurs on t.o
- Sverker Johansson debunks the notion that all evolutionists
on the newsgroup are just amateurs.
- April: Abiogenesis
- Ian Musgrave covers some of the objections to the idea that
life arose spontaneously (not that this is a problem for Darwinism...)
- May: NM Physicists Create Artificial
Life on the Web!
- Dave Thomas started something with his and Mark Boslough's
April Fools prank report on that the Alabama legislature
was redefining the mathematical constant pi to be 3, in
a parody of creationist attempts to legislate against science
that doesn't suit them. It was taken seriously and spread around
the world despite clear pointers it was a hoax.
- June: Probability of star
- In the midst of a discussion on stars, Nathan Urban delivered
telling arguments against the view that the universe had
to have been created for life.
- July: The Ubiquity of Selection:
Problems with David Ford's Critique
- Loren King discusses the widely-held antievolutionist view
that Darwinian selection is disconfirmed by the fossil evidence
because of a lack of gradual transitions, the supposed barriers
to genetic change, and some logical errors about selection.
- August: The discovery of new dino
- Keith Morrison is inspired to sing about the amazing abilities
of T-Rex, at least, if creationists are right about him.
- September: Dembski on Design, simplified
- Ivar Ylvisaker summarises the "new" argument for
Intelligent Design by William Dembski.
- October: After the FAQs: Any Popular
Science books palatable to YECs?
- Louann Miller describes a generalised, and all too familiar,
dialogue between evolutionists and creationists and asks for
popular science books to recommend to Young Earth Creationists
once they have been pointed at the FAQs.
- November: Fashionable Nonsense
- Sometimes the issues affecting evolutionary science need
to be put in broader context. The postmodernist attack on science
("modernism") has been attacked itself in a recent
book, reviewed here by Richard Harter.
- December: Extant Variation
- There's an enormous amount of genetic variation in modern
populations. How do creationists account for it? asks Adam Noel
[Post of the Month: Main Index]

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