Posts of the Month for 1999
- January: Changes in chromosome number
during evolution
- Species often come into existence when their chromosome number
changes through splitting or joining. Here is an outline by rwaddle
how that happens.
- February: Is Haeckel's law of recapitulation
a problem?
- There have been claims that because Haeckel fudged his drawings
of embryos, modern evolution is in a mess. Scott Chase honestly
assesses the claims of fraud in the textbooks.
- March: Does God have a sense of humor?
- Or would he always know the punchline beforehand? And how
would He react to the joketeller? Jim Acker and Jeremy Reimer
investigate this weighty theological problem.
- April part 1: Is there a case for Young Enthusiastic
- We all know the Beatles sold enormous numbers of records in the 60's, right?
Not so, says Louann Miller. It's all a secular humanist plot.
Also, in a first for the Post of the Month, a two-header:
- April part 2: How old is a nonliteral interpretation
of Genesis?
- Answer: one of the leading Jewish philosophers alive at the time of Jesus was a nonliteralist.
Courtesy of Thomas Scharle.
- May: Why is there sex?
- Multicellular organisms' cells have given up the right to reproduce.
Why? Felipe gives sources and answers to this problem of evolution.
- June: The Ground Rules explained
- In any newsgroup - indeed in any conversation - there
are basic groundrules. Louann Miller explains those for the
newsgroup, and offers some advice and encouragement.
- September: Weasels, ReMine, and Haldane's Dilemma
- After years of people wondering how Dawkins' "weasel"
program could show Haldane's Dilemma, as claimed by
Walter ReMine, Ian Musgrave gets a copy of the
program. In this post, Musgrave analyzes what ReMine did and its
relation, or lack thereof, to reality and Haldane's Dilemma.
- October: The Four Strongest Points for Evolution
- Sean Hederman presents a concise list of the four
strongest points to fight for evolution in a debate.
- November: Things that Are True
- Colin Patterson is said to have asked for one thing about
evolution that is true. Wesley Elsberry provides a list of
- December: Behe and the Evolution of
the Krebs Cycle
- Sherilyn discusses a paper from the Journal of
Molecular Evolution presenting what Michael Behe claims
does not exist: a detailed model of the evolution of a
complex molecular machine.
[Post of the Month: Main Index]

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