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An Index to Creationist Claims

Copyright © 2007

New claims are linked in bold red. Updates to previously existing files are regular links.

2007-02-20 CB360.1: The human appendix is functional, not vestigial.
2007-02-18 CB921.1: What use is half an eye?
2006-12-05 CC300: The Cambrian explosion shows all kinds of life appearing suddenly.
2006-11-05 CC200: Transitional fossils are lacking.
2006-11-02 CB300: Complex organs couldn't have evolved.
2006-10-30 CA510.1: Problems with evolution are evidence for creation.
2006-09-12 CB200.1.1: The flagellum has 30 or so unique (non-homologous) proteins.
2006-09-07 CB910: No new species have been observed.
2006-09-07 CB731: Finger development disproves birds descended from dinosaurs.
2006-09-06 CA005: Evolution is racist.
2006-08-29 CC202: Transitional fossils do not show direct ancestry.
2006-08-29 CA320.3: Darwinists had Dembski removed from his position at Baylor.
2006-08-04 CA341: Evolutionists have not met Hovind's challenge to prove evolution.
2006-08-04 CA006.2: Stalin's policies were influenced by Darwin.
2006-07-24 CH102.1: Genesis must be literal; it is straightforward narrative.
2006-07-15 CC200: Transitional fossils are lacking.
2006-06-28 CC371.1: Soft tissues from a Tyrannosaurus bone indicate recent burial.
2006-06-28 CA343: Evolutionists refuse Mastropaolo's "Life Science Prize" challenge.
2006-06-08 CB121: The cost of natural selection is prohibitive (Haldane's dilemma).
2006-05-30 CB150: Functional genetic sequences are too rare to evolve from one to another.
2006-05-12 CD701: The earth's magnetic field is decaying, indicating a young earth.
2006-04-23 CB805: Evolution predicts a continuum of organisms, not discrete kinds.
2006-04-07 CA301.1: Naturalistic science will miss a supernatural explanation.
2006-04-05 CB921.1: What use is half an eye?
2006-03-31 CB620: Human population growth indicates a young earth.
2006-03-03 CA041.1: Federal law (Santorum Amendment) supports teaching alternatives.
2006-02-25 CC216.1: There are gaps between land mammals and whales.
2006-02-23 CI131: Every machine's origin, where determinable, is by intelligent agency.
2006-02-06 CE412: Gravitational time dilation made distant clocks run faster.
2006-02-02 CD016: The U-Th-Pb method, properly corrected for neutron capture, gives recent dates.
2006-01-31 CH110: Prophecies prove the accuracy of the Bible.
2006-01-26 CE420: The big bang theory is wrong.
2006-01-20 CD410: World War II airplanes are now beneath thousands of "annual" ice layers.
2006-01-13 CF001.2: The second law of thermodynamics, and the trend to disorder, is universal.
2006-01-13 CF001.1: Systems left to themselves invariably tend toward disorder.
2006-01-05 CI001.4: Intelligent design has been published in peer-reviewed journals.
2006-01-03 CD011.1: Variable C-14/C-12 ratio invalidates C-14 dating.
2005-12-14 CB010.2: First cells could not come together by chance.
2005-12-07 CI001.2: Intelligent design is not creationism.
2005-12-01 CI190: SETI researchers expect that they can detect design.
2005-11-25 CA114: Many famous scientists were creationists.
2005-11-24 CA602: Evolution is atheistic.
2005-11-22 CA114.4: Babbage was a creationist.
2005-11-19 CA114.4: Babbage was a creationist.
2005-11-18 CH581: The Grand Canyon was carved by retreating Flood waters.
2005-11-17 CB921.2: What use is half a wing?
2005-11-05 CA211.1: Karl Popper said Darwinism is not testable.
2005-11-04 CB910: No new species have been observed.
2005-11-03 CA210: Evolution does not make predictions.
2005-11-01 CB921.2: What use is half a wing?
2005-10-31 CF001.3: Instructions are necessary to produce order.
2005-10-14 CI001.1: Intelligent design theory is not religious.
2005-10-14 CA041.1: Federal law (Santorum Amendment) supports teaching alternatives.
2005-10-14 CA041: Teach the controversy.
2005-10-07 CI401: The methodology of science rules out even considering design.
2005-10-07 CA001.1: Crime rates etc. have increased since evolution began to be taught.
2005-10-05 CG041: Agriculture is too recent.
2005-10-05 CG040: Written history is too short.
2005-10-05 CB928.2: Humans have stopped evolving.
2005-10-05 CB144: Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent.
2005-10-03 CD102.1: Out-of-order strata occur at the Lewis Overthrust.
2005-09-24 CH102.5: God's promise of no more floods fails if Noah's flood was local.
2005-09-24 CC381: There are too few Stone-Age remains for a long history of humanity.
2005-09-24 CB930.4: A pterodactyl was found alive in Jurassic limestone.
2005-09-24 CB301: The eye is too complex to have evolved.
2005-09-24 CB200.2: Blood clotting is irreducibly complex.
2005-09-24 CA115.1: Design arguments converted atheist Anthony Flew to theism.
2005-09-21 CA602: Evolution is atheistic.
2005-09-14 CB035.2: Earth's early atmosphere had no reducing gases.
2005-08-30 CB010.2: First cells could not come together by chance.
2005-08-24 CI190: SETI researchers expect that they can detect design.
2005-08-16 CA041: Teach the controversy.
2005-08-13 CA008: Evolution encourages promiscuity and lust.
2005-08-12 CE420: The big bang theory is wrong.
2005-08-09 CC216.1: There are gaps between land mammals and whales.
2005-08-05 CI301: The cosmos is fine-tuned to permit human life.
2005-08-02 CA114.2: Linnaeus was a creationist.
2005-08-02 CA111.1: Over 300 scientists express skepticism of Darwinism.
2005-07-31 CF011: Evolutionary algorithms smuggle in design in the fitness function.
2005-07-18 CB922: No two-celled life exists intermediate between one- and multicelled.
2005-07-13 CH101.1: If part of the Bible is wrong, none of it can be trusted.
2005-07-04 CA602: Evolution is atheistic.
2005-07-03 CH110: Prophecies prove the accuracy of the Bible.
2005-07-01 CA006.1: Hitler based his views on Darwinism.
2005-06-29 CD031: KBS Tuff shows the flaws of radiometric dating.
2005-06-29 CB751: Bilateral symmetry is improbable under evolution.
2005-06-28 CB200.4: The immune system is irreducibly complex.
2005-06-18 CB822: Evolution's tree-like pattern is discredited.
2005-06-18 CB035.2: Earth's early atmosphere had no reducing gases.
2005-06-18 CB035: Miller's experiments had an invalid assumption of the type of atmosphere.
2005-06-16 CG202.2: The Chinese Hihking flood myth is very like the story of Noah.
2005-06-16 CG202.1: The Miao flood myth is very like the story of Noah.
2005-06-16 CA341: Evolutionists have not met Hovind's challenge to prove evolution.
2005-06-05 CB701: Haeckel falsified his embryo pictures.
2005-05-26 CB952: The evolution of specialized diets would not be adaptive.
2005-05-26 CB811: Homologous structures are not produced by homologous genes.
2005-05-26 CA602: Evolution is atheistic.
2005-05-25 CG201: There are flood myths from all over the world.
2005-05-16 CA006.1: Hitler based his views on Darwinism.
2005-05-12 CC373: Jurassic shells from mud springs are remarkably preserved.

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